This post is a part of the 2015 New Beer Every Day Beer Diary Challenge, #ottbeerdiary. Over the course of 2015, I will be trying a new beer every day. Please read the background in the link above, and enjoy reading about the most recently tasted beers below. If you’d like to join the challenge as well, let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out Grown-up Travel Guide and his #grownupbeerdiary, where Andy Higgs came up with the diary format in use below. You can catch up on all of our posts as part of the challenge under the tag ottbeerdiary.
From December 1 through December 24, I’m going to try to use a Christmas Beer for each day of Advent as part of my #ottadvent15 2015 Advent Calendar. Follow along with the tag ottadvent15.
Day 338: December 4, 2015
Diary entry:
I had a totally open agenda at work today, for the first time in who knows how long!
I debated taking the day off entirely, but decided I had enough catch-up work to do, especially with three documents being sent last night for review by Tuesday that I really don’t want to deal with over the weekend.
So I had the wonderful opportunity to sit at my desk, and work — really work — for the entire morning.
I made it through two of the three, the two that are actually due to be discussed on Thursday next week, and then after lunch, decided to call it a week.
I was running short on Christmas beers to make it through the entire Advent season. 21 days to go, but only 4 beers remaining! Need to find 17 more to last through to Christmas.
I asked some Beer Geeks on Facebook for recommendations, and a beer store in Belgium I had not been to came up, so I decided to pay them a visit this afternoon. Bierhandel Willems in Grobbendonk. I have to say, I was quite impressed with their selection, both of Christmas beers, and other Belgian beers. They have over 800 different Belgian beers in stock! I managed to pick up a great assortment of Christmas beers I have not tried before. Perhaps enough already to last the whole Advent Calendar, but I think I’ll still try to pick up a couple of Dutch or German Christmas beers as well just so there’s some variety (three of the four I have remaining are all Belgian as well!)
Or should I say…the three I have remaining, because tonight’s beer is from Andorra!
The Beer:

Name: Trapella Especial de Nadal
Style: Porter
Producer: La Birreria Andorra
Alcohol content: 6.0%
Bottle size: 0.33 l
Purchased from: La Birreria in Andorra-la-Vella, Adorra
Trapella Especial de Nadal by La Birreria Andorra. Wow, surprised at the amount of flavor in this one! Lots of dark coffee and cocoa bitterness. Good body. Just a bit lacking in aroma.
While this beer is labeled for Andorra, I must admit, I do believe this beer is actually from Spain. Ibiza in fact, as there are references to Ibosim Cerveza Artesana from Sant Antoni de Portmany on Ibiza at the bottom of the label. Popaire, which is in Blanes in Catalunya, is also mentioned, but the address is pointing towards Ibiza.
This holiday beer post today is also my entry for The Sessions #106: Home for the Holidays hosted by Jay Brooks of Brookston Beer Bulliten.