To prepare for the end of 2014 and in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season, I’ve decided to take part in an idea from Andy Higgs of Grown-up Travel Guide and complete a Beer Advent Calendar of sorts. Beginning with the fourth Sunday before Christmas (November 30) all the way through Christmas, I will try to drink a different beer each day and share it here.
Day 15: Sunday, December 14, 2014 – Liefman’s Kriek Gluhbier
Today was another visit to a new Christmas Market, the giant CentrO market in Oberhausen, Germany. During the week, this giant mall is packed with Christmas shoppers at it’s stores, but on Sunday, the crowd is all for the Christmas Market as the shops in the mall itself are closed. This didn’t seem to reduce the number too much however. Alongside the normal Gluhwein and delicious Christmas Market eats, one stand in the market also featured a Gluhkriek, hot mulled cherry beer, this one made from the the Liefmans Kriek. I’m already a big fan of the Liefmans Kriek, so this Christmas Gluhkriek version was quite enjoyable as well!

Day 16: Monday, December 15, 2014 – Jeroen Bosch Bier
The season of Christmas dinners and drinks has begun: This week alone I have three such events planned! The first is for my department, which was held at FF Swanjéé in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. I must say, I was rather impressed by this restaurant. The food was excellent, as was the wine. There was a decent beer selection as well, so I chose a local beer I had never seen before for my pre-dinner drink – Jeroen Bosch Bier by De 3 Horne out of Kaatsheuvel. This beer is a Belgian Pale Ale, with a decent taste. It wasn’t outstanding or earth shattering, but a nice beer to start off a nice evening.

Day 17: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 – Weihnachtsbock by Brauhaus Kühler Krug
Returning to the Christmas beers today, this is one I picked up on our recent visit to Heidelberg at the end of November. This is a very nice winter bock beer, malty, a little sweet, but not too much. And heck, the label is just too cute!

Day 18: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 – Tsjeeses Reserva Port Barrel Aged (PBA) 2013
Over the summer, I paid a visit to one of my favorite breweries in Belgium for the first time, Struise brewery in Westvleteren. While there, they had a few bottles available for purchase, including the Tsjeeses Reserva Port Barrel Aged (PBA) 2013. I had tried the 2012 Reserva and enjoyed it immensely, so decided to pick one up, and what better time to drink it than during the Christmas holiday season! This Belgian Xmas Ale is extremely tasty, with some hints of barrel. Nothing overpowering. Not sure if I get anything from the port, but even without, it stands up on its own. I’ll be trying the Bourbon Barrel Aged next week…

Day 19: Thursday, December 18, 2014 – Heidelberger Weihnachtsbier
Yes, another beer from our visit to Heidelberg at the end of November. Last week I included the Heidelberger Original. This week, being closer to the holiday, I moved on to the Weihnachtsbier, their Christmas Lager. Honestly, I couldn;t tell much difference. An OK lager, but nothing really Christmassy or special.

Day 20: Friday, December 19, 2014 – Dolden Sud Bavarian India Pale Ale by Riedenburger Brauhaus
Drove down to Nuremberg to visit the famous Christmas market in town. Unfortunately, between being the Friday before the Christmas vacation week, and very rainy, the drive down took three hours longer than expected, and I didn’t arrive in town until after the market had closed for the evening already. No worries! Still need a bite for dinner, so revisited the Steichele restaurant nearby to my hotel. On the menu was this IPA from the nearby town of Riedenburg. An IPA from a Germany brewery! And a pretty good one at that.

Day 21: Saturday, December 20, 2014 – Tucher Christkindlesmarkt Bier by Tucher Bräu
Just because I didn’t make it to the Nuremberg Christmas Market last night doesn’t mean I won’t still be paying a visit. Delayed leaving town for Pilsen a little to ensure I had time to visit the markets and try some Nuremberg Bratwursts and Gluhwein. And since I happened to catch a glimpse of the Tucher Christkindlesmarkt Bier by Tucher Bräu at a few of the tables, I figured this is a perfect opportunity to revisit this beer actually in Nuremberg. This is a clean winter lager, light, but with some undertones of spice and honey. A nice beer from a great market.

Stay tuned next week for the final group of beers of the calendar. I’ll be trying to get to even more Christmas-specific beers as we get closer to the holiday itself.