This post is a part of the 2015 New Beer Every Day Beer Diary Challenge, #ottbeerdiary. Over the course of 2015, I will be trying a new beer every day. Please read the background in the link above, and enjoy reading about the most recently tasted beers below. If you’d like to join the challenge as well, let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out Grown-up Travel Guide and his #grownupbeerdiary, where Andy Higgs came up with the diary format in use below. You can catch up on all of our posts as part of the challenge under the tag ottbeerdiary.
Day 159: June 8, 2015
Diary entry:
An early start to the day, as I wanted to get into the office early to do some work before spending the rest of the day in the first day of a two-day offsite training session of configuration management CM II methodology.
A good training, some good concepts. Most of it seems to be common sense, it’s just sometimes good to see it on paper and discuss it with others to help embed it in our minds.
Ran back to the office for another couple of hours after the training so as to not fall too far behind on the ongoing activities.
Generally a fairly quiet day.
The Beer:
Name: Grand Kirin The Aroma
Style: Golden Ale
Producer: Kirin Brewery Company
Alcohol content: 5.5%
Bottle size: 0.33l
Purchased from: Erin brought this one back for me from her April trip to Tokyo Disneyland
Bitter, with some fruit flavor. Like Juicy Fruit gum or something familiar.
Commercial Description: Deep golden color, good cloudy white head, lace. Very fresh hop, hop pellet aroma. Light-bodied. Somewhat sweetish malty flavor with “green”, hop pellety flavor. Light citric notes.