This post is a part of the 2015 New Beer Every Day Beer Diary Challenge, #ottbeerdiary. Over the course of 2015, I will be trying a new beer every day. Please read the background in the link above, and enjoy reading about the most recently tasted beers below. If you’d like to join the challenge as well, let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out Grown-up Travel Guide and his #grownupbeerdiary, where Andy Higgs came up with the diary format in use below. You can catch up on all of our posts as part of the challenge under the tag ottbeerdiary.
Day 297: October 24, 2015
Diary entry:
Not a good night’s sleep last night, since I’m now worried about the trip again. Just have to keep repeating to myself that it makes sense.
Made a run to pick up some breakfast this morning, and caught up on some work that I need to have done for early next week, and then decided to head down to Turnhout for the opening of the new brewery facility for Brouwerij Het Nest, whose beers have impressed me at the festivals I’ve encountered them at until now.
A nice, modern facility, and quite a turnout for the opening, and the associated beer festival.
The Beer:
Name: Het Nest’s First Batch
Style: Saison
Producer: Brouwerij Het Nest
Alcohol content: 6.5%
Bottle size: 0.33 l draft
Purchased from: Het Nest Bierfestival for the brewery’s grand opening
Het Nest’s First Batch by Brouwerij Het Nest. Today was the official grand opening of their own brewing facility, and they were very excited to have people there to try their beer! I got quite a reaction being an English speaker at their opening festival today. And the beer was pretty darned good, too!
This saison is the first beer brewed in their own facility. A fine Saison, which was a great start to the festival.