This post is a part of the 2015 New Beer Every Day Beer Diary Challenge, #ottbeerdiary. Over the course of 2015, I will be trying a new beer every day. Please read the background in the link above, and enjoy reading about the most recently tasted beers below. If you’d like to join the challenge as well, let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out Grown-up Travel Guide and his #grownupbeerdiary, where Andy Higgs came up with the diary format in use below. You can catch up on all of our posts as part of the challenge under the tag ottbeerdiary.
Day 306: November 2, 2015
Diary entry:
Back to work in my company’s Hong Kong office this week.
For the one project with the tightest deadlines and which is a foundational requirement for the other two, we need to have some face-to-face sessions to align and finalize on some details in the model, so I am here in Hong Kong for the week to work with the guys who developed the model we’re working on. Hoping to get a lot of good alignment done, and finish answering any questions that have come up in the past few months.
A good first day, though a little bit side-tracked on some important questions that need to be finalized before we can get into the real alignment, but the discussion on these open questions was very fruitful, and shows that things are coming to a good conclusion.
For dinner, Erin and I went to Spring Deer for Peking Duck. We wanted to see if we could find a good place in Hong Kong, and it turned out, Spring Deer was right across the street from our hotel! That was quite convenient.
A quick ice cream afterwards at the themed ice cream shop on the ground floor below Spring Deer, and then back to the hotel for some sleep.
And a quick beer before bed:
The Beer:

Name: Snow Beer
Style: Lager
Producer: China Resources Snow Breweries
Alcohol content: 5.0%
Bottle size: 0.33 l
Purchased from: Marketplace by Jasons at K11 in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
Snow Beer by China Resources Snow Brewery. Wow. So awesome. For a beer under US$1 in Hong Kong. if you want to get trashed, this is the way to go! Of course…awesome here only applies to the price. But the price is part of what makes this the most widely sold beer in the world. Apparently 20% of all beers purchases worldwide are a Snow Beer. I did not know that!
The beer is just a so-so light rice-based lager. Didn’t taste bad, but it did leave me with a bit of a headache.