This post is a part of the 2015 New Beer Every Day Beer Diary Challenge, #ottbeerdiary. Over the course of 2015, I will be trying a new beer every day. Please read the background in the link above, and enjoy reading about the most recently tasted beers below. If you’d like to join the challenge as well, let me know in the comments below, and be sure to check out Grown-up Travel Guide and his #grownupbeerdiary, where Andy Higgs came up with the diary format in use below. You can catch up on all of our posts as part of the challenge under the tag ottbeerdiary.
Day 359: December 25, 2015
Diary entry:
Not doing much of anything today. Sitting on the couch, watching movies. Enjoying a few Christmas beers.
Total relaxation.
Merry Christmas!
The Beer:

Name: Most Wonderful Time For a Beer
Style: Scottish Gruit
Producer: Het Uiltje
Alcohol content: 10.0%
Bottle size: 0.33 l
Purchased from: Uw Bierspecialist – Noordkade in Veghel, the Netherlands
It’s the Most Wonderful Time For a Beer by Het Uiltje. A 10% Scottish Gruit. A very nice, spicy, rich beer. Aroma of black liquorice. Very thick. A most wonderful beer for a most wonderful time.
Commercial Description (Box Text):
We needed a holiday anthem. But rather than aim for the top of the charts, we dove straight to the bottom of the well. And lo’ and behold look what we found: Andy Williams’ 1963 anti-classic! Is there any other holiday song so mind-numbingly dull? Nope! Marley, Crosby, Bush, the Ramones, Dylan – they wouldn’t touch this song with a 10-foot peppermint pole! (Know who would? Garth Brooks and the cast of Glee. Nuff said)
This beer is our ode to the ugly ducking of Christmas song covers. And we’re so hap-happy to exploit it for our most wonderful Christmas brew. A medieval ale pimped with the type of obscure spices only free-foraging Gaelic’s would dare pluck. A hint of caramel, a dash of black liquorice – this one-off Christmas brew is as thick and vulgar as the song that inspired it.
Some say gruit is an aphrodisiac, that’s your call. But we will tell you this: once you drink it you’ll never be ever to get this f*cking ugly Christmas song out of your head again! Sorry Andy. And a very merry this and that.